Lots of fun at Ventnor Botanic Garden this half-term with a new squirrel trail, nesting box workshop, new children's menu and updated playground! Accompanied children under 5 are free to the garden. Family admission £28. If there's sun on the walls you'll also find some wall lizards out enjoying the early half-term sun!
Ventnor Botanic Garden lies at the heart of a remarkable microclimate on the south coast of the Isle of Wight. Surrounded by the chalk downs of the Ventnor Undercliff, the garden boasts an impressive collection of rare and exotic plants and trees. Our unique microclimate, averaging around 5 degrees warmer than the rest of the UK, has enabled us to grow a wide variety of plants considered too tender for much of mainland Britain, plants that are native to countries all over the world, including Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Japan and many more.
The garden is unrivalled for its collections of sub-tropical plants grown unprotected out of doors, including the National Collection of half-hardy and hardy Puya, comprising over 20 species in 77 accessions, the National Collection for Palms and the National Collection for Eucalyptus.
In addition to the outdoor space, we have a large Tropical House where we grow some of the biggest specimens of Giant Amazonian Waterlilies in the world. The leaves of these giant varieties can grow over 8 feet across, and the flowers can grow up to 12 inches wide!
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